Fake Scalp Wig
Is Fake Scalp Necessary? What’s the difference between Fake Scalp and Silk Top?
1. What is a pre-made false scalp aimed to?
The pre-made false scalp is inspired by the stocking cap bald scalp wig-wearing method and is aimed to wear a wig without the step of wearing and gluing a stocking cap between natural hair as well as your lace wig, to cover the dark-colored or dark natural hair, to help make the hair parting looks more natural.
So, I feel that the pre-made fake scalp might much better be called a pre-made stocking cap.
Why pre-made false scalp lace wigs’ parting looks more natural?
This natural-seeking results from both bleached knots and the pre-manufactured fake scalp. The bleached knots generate the black color hair knots invisible, and the pre-made false scalp hides the dark natural hair.
And, actually, the bleached knots are a lot more important compared to the fake scalp. We normally bleach the knots because if the wig has already been with a false scalp how can we are able to bleach the knots in the home?
So, do not misunderstand the fake scalp, it could not hide the hair knots, it hides your natural hair.
3. And when we desire a fake scalp lace wig?
The answer is of course whenever we don’t want to wear a supplementary stocking cap between natural hair and the wig.
If we prefer to remove our wigs every full night. It will be far more convenient to remove your wig just, of both a wig and a stocking cap instead. In addition the stocking cap is quite fragile.
So, may be the pre-manufactured fake scalp necessary?
That is your decision totally! If you employed to inside have on a stocking cap, then, without the false scalp is completely okay, if you don’t want to wear an extra stocking cap inside the wig, choose the wig with a pre-made fake scalp to hide your natural hair from the parting area.
After you finish reading all the words above, you may already know the difference between the fake scalp and the silk top.
In a word, the fake scalp is aimed to take place of the stocking cap, while the silk top is designed to hide the hair knots instead of bleaching them.